
Strategy pattern is a behavioural pattern in which objects are created which represent various strategies and are held in a context object. This context delegates to the strategy object and can hence have differing behaviour depending on the specific strategy object.


  • Encapsulates a family of algorithms by extracting what changes to a different class.
  • Enables behaviour to change during run-time.
  • Decouples between the behaviour and the context class that uses the behaviour.


  • Increases number of objects
  • Client must be aware of different strategies.


  • When you want different variants of an algorithm within an object and be able to change them during runtime.
  • When you have a lot of similar classes that only differ in the way they execute some behaviour.
  • When you want to isolate business logic of a class from implementation details of algorithms that may not be as important in the context of the logic.


public abstract class Duck {
    FlyBehaviour flyBehaviour;
    QuackBehaviour quackBehaviour;

    public void performFly() {

    public void performQuack() {

    public setFlyBehaviour(FlyBehaviour f) {
        flyBehaviour = f;

    public setQuackBehaviour(QuackBehaviour q) {
        quackBehaviour = q;

public class MallardDuck {
    public MallardDuck() {
        flyBehaviour = new FlyWithWings();
        quackBehaviour = new Quack();

public interface FlyBehaviour {
    public abstract void fly();

public class FlyWithWings {
    public void fly() {
        // implement duck flying

public class FlyNoWay {
    public void fly() {
        // do nothing

public interface QuackBehaviour {
    public abstract void quack();

public class Quack {
    public void quack() {
        // implement duck quack

public class Squeak {
    public void quack() {
        // implement rubber duck squeak

Each duck has a fly behaviour and a quack behaviour. Instead of inheritance, the ducks get their behaviour by being composed with the right behaviour objects and delegate to their behaviour objects.