
Abstract factory is a creational pattern that lets you produce familes of related objects without specifying their concrete classes.


  • Ensures that all products from the same factory are compatible with each other.
  • Avoid coupling between concrete products and client code.
  • Satisfies single responsibility principle as product creation code is extracted into one place.
  • Satisfies open/closed principle as new variants of products can be introduced without breaking existing client code.


  • Code becomes more complex with introduction of interfaces and classes.


  • When the code needs to work with various families of related products, but we don’t want it to depend on the concrete classes of these products - these might be unknown beforehand or we want to allow for future extensibility. Objects created via a factory are designed to be compatible with other objects created by the same factory.


interface Button {
    public void setLabel(String labelText);
    public void click();

interface CheckBox {	
	public void setText(String text);
	public String getText();

	public void setStatus(boolean status);
	public boolean getStatus();	

// Abstract factory interfaces declares a set of methods that
// return different abstract objects. These products together
// form a product family.
interface GUIFactory {
    Button getButton(); 
    CheckBox getCheckBox();

class ButtonLinux implements Button {
    private String labelText = "";

	public void setLabel(String labelText) {
		this.labelText = labelText;
		System.out.println("ButtonLinux: Setting label " + labelText);

	public void click() {
		System.out.println("ButtonLinux: clicking button with label " + this.labelText);	

class ButtonWin implements Button {
    private String labelText = "";

	public void setLabel(String labelText) {
		this.labelText = labelText;
		System.out.println("ButtonWin: Setting label " + labelText);

	public void click() {
		System.out.println("ButtonWin: clicking button with label " + this.labelText);

class CheckBoxLinux implements CheckBox {
	private String text = "";
	private boolean status = false;
	public void setText(String text) {
		this.text = text;
		System.out.println("CheckBoxLinux: Setting Text " + this.text);


	public String getText() {
		return this.text;
	public void setStatus(boolean status) {
		this.status = status;
		System.out.println("CheckBoxLinux: setStatus status " + this.status);


	public boolean getStatus() {
		return this.status;

class CheckBoxWin implements CheckBox {
	private String text = "";
	private boolean status = false;
	public void setText(String text) {
		this.text = text;
		System.out.println("CheckBoxWin: Setting Text " + this.text);

	public String getText() {
		return this.text;
	public void setStatus(boolean status) {
		this.status = status;
		System.out.println("CheckBoxWin: setStatus status " + this.status);

	public boolean getStatus() {
		return this.status;

// A Linux Factory can produce a Linux button and a Linux checkbox.
class GUIFactoryLinux implements GUIFactory {
	public Button getButton() {
		return new ButtonLinux();

	public CheckBox getCheckBox() {
		return new CheckBoxLinux();

// A Windows Factory can produce a Windows button and a Windows checkbox.
class GUIFactoryWin implements GUIFactory {
	public Button getButton() {
		return new ButtonWin();

	public CheckBox getCheckBox() {
		return new CheckBoxWin();

public class Test {
	public static void generateButtonCheckBox(GUIFactory guiFactory) {
		Button b1 = guiFactory.getButton();
		CheckBox ch1 = guiFactory.getCheckBox();
		ch1.setText("Select this if you prefer XYZ ");
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		GUIFactory factory = new GUIFactoryWin();

		System.out.println(" -------------- ------------ ----------  ");
		factory = new GUIFactoryLinux();