
Refactoring is the process of restructuring software to make it easier to understand and modify without changing external behaviour.

Refactoring Techniques

|Technique Name|Description| |-|-| |Extract Method|Group code fragments together in a method.| |Move Method|Move methods to the class most appropriate.| |Replace Temp With Query| Remove temp variables with method calls.| |Replace Conditional With Polymorphism|Override methods in subclasses with specific behaviour to remove class/instance checks.| |Introduce Parameter Object|Make a new class that holds variables that are often grouped together and passed into functions.| |Preserve Whole Object|Pass entire objects into functions instead of individual values from the object.| |Replace Inheritance With Delegation|Hold the superclass object in a private field and delegate the behaviours as required.| |Push Down Field and Method|Fields and methods should be placed in the subclasses that actually use them instead of the superclass.| |Extract Subclass|Behaviours only used in special cases by a class should be moved down to a subclass.|

Extract Method


Methods with more lines are harder to understand. Code fragments that can be grouped together should be moved to their own method.


  • Makes code easier to understand as methods have self evident names.
  • Reduce code duplication as these groups of code are often reused.
  • Isolate independent parts of code to minimise chance of errors.



    public void printOwing() {

        // These lines can be grouped together
        System.out.println("name: " + name);
        System.out.println("amount: " + getOutStanding());


    public void printOwing() {

    public void printDetails() {
        System.out.println("name: " + name);
        System.out.println("amount: " + getOutStanding());

Move Method


A method should generally be on the object whose data it uses most. When moving such a method to a new class, the method in the original class should be changed to reference the new method or be removed completely.


  • Makes the class more internally coherent.
  • Reduces dependencies between classes.

Replace Temp With Query


The result of expressions should be returned from a method rather than placed in temporary variables.


  • If the method is named properly, it is easier to understand than the formula in the expression.
  • If the expression is reused in multiple methods, then we reduce code duplication.
  • We are less likely to lose track of local variables in longer methods.


  • Repeated function calls and recalculations can result in a performance hit. But this is often negligible.



public double calculateTotal() {
    double basePrice = quantity * itemPrice;

    if (basePrice > 1000) return basePrice * 0.95;
    else return basePrice * 0.98


public double calculateTotal() {
    if (basePrice > 1000) return basePrice() * 0.95;
    else return basePrice() * 0.98

public double basePrice() {
    return quantity * itemPrice;

Replace Conditional Logic With Polymorphism


Conditionals are often harder to maintain and create coupling between classes. Instead, subclasses should be created while overriding the method, and polymorphism utilised to select the correct method to use at runtime.


  • Reduces coupling between classes. Minimises changes needing to be made over multiple classes.
  • Keeps classes more cohesive as classes no longer have to perform logic outside their responsibility. Logic is instead delegated to the most appropriate class.



public class Rental {
    Movie movie;
    Integer daysRented;

    public double getCharge() {
        double totalAmount = 0;
        int priceCode = movie.getPriceCode();

        // This requires internal knowledge of the Movie class which is unnecessary coupling.
        // Also changes or addition of movie types will require changes in both Rental and Movie classes.
        switch (priceCode) {
            case Movie.REGULAR:
                totalAmount = (daysRented - 2) * 1.5;
            case Movie.CHILDRENS:
                // more logic
            case Movie.NEW_RELEASE:
                // more logic

        return totalAmount;

public class Movie {
    public static final int REGULAR = 0;
    public static final int CHILDRENS = 1;
    public static final int NEW_RELEASE = 2;

    private String title;
    public int priceCode;

    public int getPriceCode() {
        return priceCode;


public class Rental {
    Movie movie;
    Integer daysRented;

    // This method no longer needs to know the structure of the Movie class.
    // Changes or addition of movie types will not require changes here.
    public double getCharge() {
        return movie.getCharge(daysRented);

public abstract class Movie {
    private String title;

    // getCharge now needs to know the days rented to perform the calculations.
    public int getCharge(int daysRented);

public RegularMovie extends Movie {
    public int getCharge(int daysRented) {
        return (daysRented - 2) * 1.5;

public ChildrensMovie extends Movie {
    public int getCharge(int daysRented) {
        // specific logic

public NewReleaseMovie extends Movie {
    public int getCharge(int daysRented) {
        // specific logic

Note: this has a different problem in that movies cannot change classification during its lifetime. A fix for this would be instead to utilise composition:

  • Create a Price interface with a single getCharge() method.
  • Implement this interface for each of RegularMovie, ChildrensMovie and NewReleaseMovie.
  • Hold an object of this interface in a field inside the Movie class. Usually the constructor would require such an object.
  • The Movie class can then delegate price calculation to the held object.
  • The Movie class can also change the specific price object with one of a different type during runtime by using an appropriate setter function.

Introduce Parameter Object


Identical groups of parameters scattered throughout the code is a form of code duplication. These parameters should be consolidated into a single class.


  • Reduces code duplication.
  • Prevents methods from having long list of parameters which can be hard to comprehend and use.



abstract class Customer {
    public Integer amountInvoicedIn(Date start, Date end);
    public Integer amountReceivedIn(Date start, Date end);
    public Integer amountOverdueIn(Date start, Date end);


abstract class Customer {
    public Integer amountInvoicedIn(DateRange range);
    public Integer amountReceivedIn(DateRange range);
    public Integer amountOverdueIn(DateRange range);

Preseve Whole Object


Essentially the same as Introduce Parameter Object. Instead of extracting extracting values from an object and passing into a function, pass the whole object into the function.


  • A single object with a comprehensible name is seen instead of a list of unrelated parameter names.
  • If the function needs more values from the object, only the function body needs to be changed. Changes do not need to be made at each place the function is called.


  • Potentially less flexible as the function is now limited to objects of the required class.



Integer low = daysTempRange.getLow();
Integer high = daysTempRange.getHigh();
Boolean withinPlan = plan.withinRange(low, high);


Boolean withinPlan = plan.withinRange(daysTempRange);

Replace Inheritance with Delegation


Refused bequest is the code smell where subclasses use only some of the methods and properties inherited from its parents. The often arises from the incorrect use of inheritance. In such cases, a field should be added to the class to hold its superclass object. Methods should then be delgated to the superclass object.


  • Class doesn’t contain unneeded methods inherited from superclass.
  • Can help satisfy Liskov Substitution Principle if the original inheritance design was not suitable.


  • May require writing a lot of simple delegating methods.



class Stack<E> extends Vector<E> {
    // Inherit all Vector methods.

    // Add additional Stack specific methods.


class Stack<E> {
    private Vector<E> v;

    public Stack() {
        this.v = new Vector<E>();

    public boolean isEmpty() {
        return v.isEmpty();

    public void push(E e) {

    public E pop() {
        return v.remove(v.size() - 1);

    // and other delegated methods as necessary...

Push Down Field and Method


If a field or method in a superclass is only used in some subclasses, then they should be moved to the subclasses.


  • Improves internal class coherency as fields and methods are located where they are actually used.

Extract Subclass


If a class has features that are only used in certain cases, then these features should be moved into a subclass for the special case. This is essentially an application of Push Down Field and Method.

Note: this technique can run into the usual problems faced by inheritance. In such cases, delegation and strategy pattern are viable alternatives.