
Assume expression E returns the relation R(A1, A2,...,An), r(R) and s(S).

Operation Notation Result Description
Rename Rename[S(B1,B2,...,Bn)](E) S(B1,B2,...,Bn) Renames the attributes of a schema while keeping the same tuples. Note: we’ll often use implict rename when performing a sequence of operations.
Selection Sel[C](r) {t : t in r and C(t)} Returns a subset of tuples that satisfy some condition C.
Projection Proj[X](r) {t[X] : t in r} Returns a set of tuples containing the subset X of attributes in the original relation.
Product r x s {(t1 : t2) : t1 in r and t2 in s} Cartesian product that contains all attributes from both r and s. May rename attributes to avoid ambiguity.
Natural Join r Join s {(t1[ABC..J] : t2[K..XYZ]) : t1 in r and t2 in s and match} where match = t1[k] = t2[k] and t1[l] = t2[l] and t1[m] = t2[m] Join on equality of the common attributes. The common attributes only occur once in the final relation.
Theta Join r Join[C] s {(t1 : t2) : t1 in r and t2 in s and C(t1 : t2)} Specialised product containing only pairs that match on supplier condition C.
(Left) Outer Join r Left Outer Join[C] s   As with theta join, but left relations are always included. Non-matching left relations pad out the right attributes with null.
Divison r Div s   Represents for all queries. Just look at the image below.

Also contains the binary set operations: union (r union s), intersection (r intersect s) and difference r - s which work exactly as expected.

Division Example