
Triggers are activated in response to database events (e.g. updates).


If activated BEFORE:

  • NEW contains proposed value of changed tuple.
  • Modifying NEW causes a different value to be placed in DB.
  • Uses:
    • Enforce complex referential integrity constraints.
    • Add information such as timestamps to the new tuple.

If activated AFTER:

  • NEW contains current value of changed tuple.
  • OLD contains previous value of changed tuple.
  • Constraint-checking has been done for NEW.
  • Uses:
    • Perform additional database updates on different tuples to maintain semantic consistency.

OLD does not exist for insertion and NEW does not exist for deletion.

Failures at any point for any trigger causes changs to be rolled back.


create trigger triggerName before insert or update
on TableName
for each row execute procedure procedureName();

create function procedureName() returns trigger as $$
    -- variable declarations
    -- code for function

    return new;
$$ language plpgsql;