
Suppose we have the tuples:

R('a',1)  R('a',5)  R('b',2)  R('d',1)
R('d',2)  R('d',4)  R('d',8)  R('g',3)
R('j',7)  R('m',1)  R('r',5)  R('z',9)

The tuple-space for the tuples is given by:

Different multi-dimensional search trees partition the tuple-space in different ways.


kd-trees are multi-way search trees where:

  • Each level of the tree partitions on a different attribute.
  • Each node contains n - 1 key values, points to n subtrees.

Example partitioning:

Corresponding tree:

Note: tree in image is binary and hence has n = 2.

Searching in kd-Trees

def search(q: Query, r: Relation, l: Level, n: Node) -> Node:
    if isDataPage(n):
        buf = getPage(fileOf(R), idOf(n)):
        # check buf for matching tuples
        # return matching tuples
        a = attributeLevel[l]
        if not hasValue(q, a)
            nextNodes = # all children of n
            val = getAttribute(q, a)
            nextNodes = find(n, q, a, val)

        for child in nextNodes:
            search(q, r, l + 1, child)

Quad Trees

Quad trees use regular, disjoint partitioning of tuple space:

  • For 2d, partition space into quadrants (NW, NE, SW, SE).
  • Each quadrant can be further subdivided into four, etc.

Example partitioning:

Corresponding tree:

Basis for partitioning:

  • Quadrant that has no sub-partitions is a leaf quadrant.
  • Each leaf quadrant maps to a single data page.
  • Subdivide until points in each quadrant fit into one data page.
  • Ideal: same number of points in each leaf quadrant (balanced).
  • Point density varies over space.
    • Different regions require different levels of partitioning.
  • Means tree is not necessarily balanced.

Searching in Quad Trees

  1. Find all regions in current node that query overlaps with.
  2. For each region, check its node.
    • If node is a leaf, check corresponding page for matches.
    • Else recursively repeat search from current node.


R-Trees use a flexible, overlapping partitioning of tuple space:

  • Each node in the tree represents a kd hypercube.
  • Its children represent (possibly overlapping) subregions.
  • The child regions do not need to cover the entire parent region.

Overlap and partial cover means:

  • Can optimise space partitioning wrt. data distribution.
  • So that there are similar number of points in each region.

Aim: height-balanced, partly-full index pages.

Insertion into R-tree

Insertion of an object R occurs as follows:

  1. Start at root, look for children that completely contain R.
  2. If no child completely contains R, choose one of the children and expand its boundaries so that it does contain R.
  3. If several children contain R, choose one and proceed to child.
  4. Repeat above containment search in children of current node.
  5. Once we reach data page, insert R if there is room.
  6. If no room in data page, replace by two data pages.
  7. Partition existing objects between two data pages.
  8. Update node pointing to data pages.
    • May cause B-tree-like propagation of node changes up into tree.

Query with R-trees

Designed to handle space queries and “where-am-I” queries.

“Where-am-I” query: find all regions containing a given point P:

  1. Start at root, select all children whose subregions contain P.
  2. If there are zero such regions, search finishes with P not found.
  3. Otherwise, recursively search within node for each subregion.
  4. Once we reach a leaf, we know that region contains P.

Space (region) queries are handled in a similar way:

  • Traverse down any path that intersects the query region.

Costs of Search in Multi-d Trees

Best case: PMR query where all attributes have known values:

  • In kd-trees and quad-trees, follow single tree path.
  • Cost is equal to depth D of tree.
  • In R-trees, may follow several paths (overlapping partitions).

Typical case: some attributes are unknown or defined by range:

  • Need to visit multiple sub-trees.
  • How many depends on: range, choice-points in tree nodes.

Multi-Dimensional Trees in PostgreSQL

PostgreSQL uses Generalized Search Trees (GiST).

GiST indexes parameterise: data type, searching, splitting:

  • Via seven user-defined functions.

GiST trees have the following structural constraints:

  • Every node is at least fraction f full (e.g. 0.5).
  • The root node has at least two children (unless also a leaf).
  • All leaves appear at the same level.