
Tuning requires us to consider:

  • Which queries and transactions will be used?
  • How frequently does each query/transaction occur?
  • Are there time constraints on queries/transactions?
  • Are there uniqueness constraints on any attributes?
    • Define indexes on attributes to speed up insertion uniqueness check.
  • How frequently do updates occur?
    • Indexes slow down updates.

Performance can be considered at two times:

  • During schema design:
    • Typically towards the end of design process.
    • Requires schema transformations such as denormalisation.
  • Outside schema design:
    • Typically after application has been deployed/used.
    • Requires adding/modifying data structures such as indexes.

Difficult to predict what query optimiser will do, so:

  • Implement queries using methods which “should” be efficient.
  • Observe execution behaviour and modify query accordingly.

PostgreSQL Query Tuning

PostgreSQL provides the *explain statement to:

  • Give a representation of the query execution plan.
  • With information that may help to tune query performance.