
The query optimiser:

  1. Takes RA expression from SQL compiler.
  2. Produces sequence of RelOps to evaluate the expression.

Optimisers aim to find a good plan, but maybe not optimal.

  • Observed query time = planning time + evaluation time.
    • Limited planning time means we can’t always find optimal plan.
      • Would require exhaustive search of very large search space and need to estimate cost of each (not cheap).
    • Instead, do limited search of query plan space (guided by heuristics).
    • Quickly choose a reasonably efficient execution plan.

Approaches to Optimisation

Main classes of techniques:

  • Algebraic (equivalences, rewriting, heuristics).
  • Physical (execution costs, search-based).
  • Semantic (application properties, heuristics).

All driven by aim of minimising (or at least reducing) “cost”.

Real query optimisers use a combination of algebraic + physical.

Semantic QO is good idea, but expensive/difficult to implement.

Cost-based Query Optimiser

Approximate algorithm:

# translate SQL query to RAexp.
for # enough transformations RA' of RAexp:
    while # more chioces of RelOps:
        Plan = {}
        i = 0
        cost = 0

        for nodeE RA_prime: # recursively
            ROp = # select RelOP method for e
            Plan = Plan.union(ROp)
            cost += Cost(ROp) // using child info

        if cost < MinCost:
            MinCost = cost
            BestPlan = Plan

Heuristics: push selections down, consider only left-deep join trees.

Cost Models and Analysis

The cost of evaluating a query is determined by:

  • Size of relations (database relations and temporary relations).
  • Access mechanisms (indexing, hashing, sorting, join algorithms).
  • Size/number of buffers (and replacement strategy).

Analysis of cost involves estimating:

  • Size of intermediate results.
  • Number of disk reads/writes.

Choosing Access Methods (RelOps)

Performed for each node in RA expression tree.


  • Single RA operation (projection, selection, join).
  • Information about file organisation, data distribution.
  • List of operations available in the database engine.


  • Specific DBMS operation to implement this RA operation.

Choosing Selection Methods

  • σ_{A=c}(R) and R has index on A ==> indexSearch[A=c](R).
  • σ_{A=c}(R) and R is hashed on A ==> hashSearch[A=c](R).
  • σ_{A=c}(R) and R is sorted on A ==> binarySearch[A=c](R).
  • σ_{A>=c}(R) and R has clustered index on A ==> indexSearch[A=c].
  • σ_{A=c}(R) and R is hashed on A ==> linearSearch[A>=c](R).
    • Hashing doesn’t help here.

Choosing Join Methods

  • R ⨝ S and R fits in memory buffers ==> bnlJoin(R, S).
  • R ⨝ S and S fits in memory buffers ==> bnlJoin(S, R).
  • R ⨝ S and R, S sorted on join attribute ==> smJoin(R, S).
  • R ⨝ S and R has index on join attribute ==> inlJoin(S, R).
  • R ⨝ S and no indexes or sorting ==> hashJoin(R, S).

PostgreSQL Query Optimisation