
Sorted files store records in order of some field k. Makes search more efficient, but insertion less efficient.

Naive implementation:

In order to mitigate insertion costs, use overflow pages:

Selection in Sorted Files

For one queries on sort key, use binary search

low, high = 0, nPages(rel) - 1

while low <= high:
    mid = (low + high) / 2
    (tup, lowVal, highVal) = searchBucket(rel, mid, k, val)

    if tup is not None:
        return tup
    elif val < lowVal:
        high = mid - 1
    elif val > highVal:
        low = mid + 1
        return NOT_FOUND

return NOT_FOUND

Search a page and its overflow chain for a key value.

# assumes each page contains index of next page in overflow chain.
def searchBucket(rel, p, k, val):
    get_page(rel, p, buf)
    (tup, minVal, maxVal) = searchPage(buf, k, val, +INF, -INF)

    if tup is not None:
        return (tup, minVal, maxVal)

    overflowFile = openOvFile(f)
    overflowPage = overflow(buf)

    while tup is None and overflowPage != NO_PAGE:
        get_page(overflowFile, overflowPage, buf)
        (tup, minVal, maxVal) = searchPage(buf, k, val, minVal, maxVal)
        overflowPage = overflow(buf) # get next overflow page

    return (tup, minVal, maxVal)

Search within a page for key; also find min/max key values.

# linear scan, tuples aren't necessarily sorted within a page
def searchPage(buf, k, val, minVal, maxVal):
    res = None

    for tup in tuples(buf):
        if tup.k == val:
            res = tup
        if tup.k < minVal:
            minVal = tup.k
        if tup.k > maxVal:
            maxVal = tup.k

    return (res, minVal, maxVal)

Performance Analysis

Above method treats each bucket like a single large page.


  • Best: find tuple in first data page we read.
  • Worst: full binary search, and not found.
    • Examine: log_2(b) data pages.
    • Plus examine all of their overflow pages.
  • Average: examine some data pages and their overflow pages.

Cost_one: Best = 1, Worst = log_2(b) + b_ov.

Partial Match Retrievals (PMR)

For pmr query on non-unique attribute k, where file is sorted on k.

  • Tuples containing k may span several pages.


select * from R where k = 2;


  1. Locate a page p containing k = val (as for one query).
  2. Scan backwards and forwards from p to find matches.

Cost_pmr = Cost_one + (b_q - 1) * (1 + Ov).

Range Queries on Unique Sort Key

For range queries on unique sort key (e.g. primary key):

  1. Use binary search to find lower bound.
  2. Read sequentially until reach upper bound.


select * from R where k >= 5 and k <= 13;

Cost_range = Cost_pmr

Range Queries on Non-Unique Sort Key

For range queries on non-unique sort key, similar method to pmr:

  1. Binary search to find lower bound (not necessarily first occurrence).
  2. Go backwards to start of run.
  3. Go forwards to last occurrence of upper bound.


select * from R where k >= 2 and k <= 6;

Cost_range = Cost_pmr

Selection on Non-Sort Key

If condition contains attribute j, not the sort key:

  • File is unlikely to be sorted by j as well.
  • Sortedness gives no searching benefits.

Selection performance in this case is equal to heap files.

Insertion into Sorted Files

Insertion approach:

  1. Find appropriate page for tuple (via binary search).
  2. If page not full, insert into page.
  3. Otherwise, insert into next overflow page with space (possibly creating new page if necessary).

Note: a bucket contains all values within a [minVal, maxVal] range. The pages in a bucket and the tuples in those pages may not necessarily be sorted.

Thus, Cost_insert = Cost_one + δ_w (where δ_w = 1 or 2).

Deletion from Sorted Files

Deletion strategy:

  1. Find matching tuple(s).
  2. Mark them as deleted.

Cost depends on selectivity of selection condition. Selectivity determines b_q.

Thus, Cost_delete = Cost_selete + b_qw.