Implementation Overview

Main functions:

  • HeapTuple heap_form_tuple(desc, values[], isnull[]).
  • heap_deform_tuple(tuple, desc, values[]).

PostgreSQL implements tuples via:

  • A contiguous chunk of memory.
  • Starting with a header giving e.g. number of fields, nulls, etc.
  • Followed by data values (as a sequence of Datum).

Implementation Structs

Stored Tuple Information (HeapTupleData)

typedef HeapTupleData *HeapTuple;

typedef struct HeapTupleData
  uint32           t_len;  // length of *t_data 
  ItemPointerData t_self;  // SelfItemPointer 
  Oid         t_tableOid;  // table the tuple came from 
  HeapTupleHeader t_data;  // -> tuple header and data 
} HeapTupleData;

HeapTupleHeader is a pointer to a location in a buffer.

Header and Record Data (HeapTupleHeader)

ypedef HeapTupleHeaderData *HeapTupleHeader;

typedef struct HeapTupleHeaderData // simplified
  HeapTupleFields t_heap;
  ItemPointerData t_ctid;      // TID of newer version
  uint16          t_infomask2; // #attributes + flags
  uint16          t_infomask;  // flags e.g. has_null
  uint8           t_hoff;      // sizeof header incl. t_bits
  // above is fixed size (23 bytes) for all heap tuples
  bits8           t_bits[1];   // bitmap of NULLs, var.len.
  // OID goes here if HEAP_HASOID is set in t_infomask
  // actual data follows at end of struct
} HeapTupleHeaderData;

Schema-information for Tuples

// Schema-related information for HeapTuples.
typedef struct tupleDesc 
  int         natts;       // # attributes in tuple 
  Oid         tdtypeid;    // composite type ID for tuple type 
  int32       tdtypmod;    // typmod for tuple type 
  bool        tdhasoid;    // does tuple have oid attribute? 
  int         tdrefcount;  // reference count (-1 if not counting)
  TupleConstr *constr;     // constraints, or NULL if none 
  FormData_pg_attribute attrs[];
  // attrs[N] is a pointer to description of attribute N+1 
} *TupleDesc;

Schema-formation for One Tuple

// Schema-related information for one attribute.
typedef struct FormData_pg_attribute
  Oid      attrelid;    // OID of reln containing attr
  NameData attname;     // name of attribute
  Oid      atttypid;    // OID of attribute's data type
  int16    attlen;      // attribute length
  int32    attndims;    // # dimensions if array type
  bool     attnotnull;  // can attribute have NULL value
  .....                 // and many other fields
} FormData_pg_attribute;

Attribute Values Datum

Attribute values are packaged as Datums:

typdef uintptr_t Datum;

The actual data value:

  • May be stored in the Datum (e.g. int).
  • May have a header with length (for variable length attribute).
  • May be stored in a TOAST file (if large value).

Attribute values can be extracted as Datum from HeapTuples:

Datum heap_getattr(
      HeapTuple tup,     // tuple (in memory)
      int attnum,        // which attribute
      TupleDesc tupDesc, // field descriptors
      bool *isnull       // flag to record NULL

values of Datum objects can be manipulated via e.g.

// DatumGetBool:
//   Returns boolean value of a Datum.

#define DatumGetBool(X) ((bool) ((X) != 0))

// BoolGetDatum:
//   Returns Datum representation for a boolean.

#define BoolGetDatum(X) ((Datum) ((X) ? 1 : 0))