
A transaction (tx) is:

  • A single application-level operation.
  • Performed by a sequence of database operations.

A transaction affects a state change on the DB.

Transaction States

COMMIT ==> all changes preserved. ABORT ==> database unchanged.


Concurrent transactions are:

  • Desirable for improved performance (throughput).
  • Problematic, because of potential unwanted interactions.

To ensure problem-free concurrent transactions:

  • Atomic: whole effect of tx, or nothing.
  • Consistent: individual tx’s are “correct” (wrt. application).
  • Isolated: each tx behaves as if no concurrency.
  • Durable: effects of committed tx’s persist.

Transaction processing is the study of techniques for realising ACID properties.


Consistency is the property:

  • A tx is correct with respect to its own specification.
  • A tx performs a mapping that maintains all DB constraints.

Ensuring this must be left to application programmers.


Atomicity is handled by the commit and abort mechanisms:

  • Commit ends tx and ensures all changes are saved.
  • Abort ends tx and undoes changes “already made”.


Durability is handled by implementing stable storage, via

  • Redundancy: to deal with hardware failures.
  • Logging/checkpoint mechanisms to recover state.


Isolation is handled by concurrency control mechanisms:

  • Possibilities: lock-based, timestamp-based, check-based.
  • Various levels of isolation are possible (e.g. serialisation).

Transaction Terminology

To describe transaction effects:

  • READ: transfer data from disk to memory.
  • WRITE: transfer data from memory to disk.
  • ABORT: terminate transaction, unsuccessfully.
  • COMMIT: terminate transaction, successfully.
  • BEGIN: starts a transaction.
  • ROLLBACK: aborts the current transaction, undoing any changes.

Relationship between above operations and SQL:

  • ``SELECT` produces READ operations on the database.
  • UPDATE and DELETE produce READ then WRITE operations.
  • INSERT produces WRITE operations.

Formalising Transaction Operations

The READ, WRITE, ABORT, COMMIT operations:

  • Occur in the context of some transaction T.
  • Involve manipulation of data items, X, Y.

The operations are typically denoted as:

  • R_T(X): read item X in transaction T.
  • W_T(X): write item X in transaction T.
  • A_T: abort transaction T.
  • C_T: commit transaction T.


A schedule gives the sequence of operations for more than 1 tx.

Serial schedule for a set of tx’s T_1, ... , T_n:

  • All operations of T_i complete before T_{i + 1}.
  • Example: R_{T_1}(A) W_{T_1}(A) R_{T_2}(B) R_{T_2}(A) W_{T_3}(C) W_{T_3}(B).
  • Guarantees DB consistency.

Concurrent schedule for a set of tx’s T_1, ... , T_n:

  • Operations from individual T_i’s are interleaved.
  • Example: R_{T_1}(A) R_{T_2}(B) W_{T_1}(A) W_{T_3}(C) W_{T_3}(B) R_{T_2}(A).
  • Arbitrary interleaving may produce DB that is not consistent after all tx’s have committed successfully.

Transaction Anomalies

The set of problems with uncontrolled concurrent transactions can be characterised broadly under:

  • Dirty read: reading data item written by concurrent uncommitted tx.
  • Non-repeatable read: re-reading data item (row), since changed by another concurrent tx.
    • Always the result of an UPDATE operation.
    • Can be prevented by locking rows.
  • Phantom read: re-scanning result set (rows plural), finding it changed by another concurrent tx.
    • Can be result of UPDATE, INSERT or DELETE operation.
    • Can be prevented by locking table.