AWS Well-Arhictected Framework

The Well-Architected Framework is a ste of best practices in building secure, resilient, efficient, and cost-effective cloud architectures.

There are 6 pillars:

  • Operational Excellence: ability to run and monitor systems to deliver business value and to continually improve supporting prorcesses and procedures.
  • Security: ability to protect information, systems and assets while delivering business value through risk assessments and mitigation strategies.
  • Reliability: ability of a system to do the following:
    • Recover from infrastructure or service disruptions.
    • Dynamically acquire computing resources to meet demand.
    • Mitigate disruptions such as misconfigurations or transient network issues.
  • Performance Efficiency: ability to use computing resources efficiently to meet system requirements and to maintain that efficiency as demends change and technologies evolve.
  • Cost Optimisation: ability to run systems to deliver business value at the lowest price point.
  • Sustainability: ability to continually improve sustainability impacts by reducing energy consumption and increasing efficiency across all components of a workload by maximising the benefits from the provisioned resources and minimising the total resources required.

Benefits of the AWS Cloud

Operating in the AWS Cloud offers many benefits over computing on-premises or hybrid environments. This includes:

  • Trade upfront expense for variable expense.
  • Benefit from massive economies of scale.
  • Stop guessing capacity.
  • Increase speed and agility.
  • Stop spending money running and maintaining data centers.
  • Go global in minutes.