
AWS operates data centers all around the world. Applications can use services in multiple data centers, so that traffic can be diverted if one data center fails. This ensures applications can be highly available.

Availability Zones

An Availability Zone (AZ) is a single data center or a group of data centers. AZs are located tens of miles apart from each other. This is close enough to have low latency, but distant enough to reduce collateral disasters.


A Region is a geographical area that contains AWS resources. Each Region consists of multiple Availability Zones.

There are four business factors when determining the right Region:

  • Compliance: certain companies and locations have regulations that require data reside in a specific area.
  • Proximity: picking a Region that is close to the customer will help them get the content faster.
  • Available services: not all AWS services are available on all Regions.
  • Pricing: different Regions may have different costs due to the taxation structure in the country or otherwise.

Edge Locations

An edge location is a site that Amazon CloudFront (CDN service) uses to store cached copies of content closer to the customers for fast delivery.

Provisioning AWS Resources

In AWS, everything is an API call. These APIs can be invoked to provision, configure and manage AWS resources.

There are various wrappers to help interact with the AWS API:

  • Management console: web-based interface.
  • Command Line Interface: allows for automation using scripts.
  • Software Development Kits: APIs designed for specific programming languages.

Elastic Beanstalk

Elastic Beanstalk (EBN) is a service that helps provision EC2-based environments. We provide the code and configuration settings, and EBN deploys the resources necessary for the following tasks:

  • Adjust capacity.
  • Load balancing.
  • Automatic scaling.
  • Application health monitoring.


CloudFormation is an infrastructure-as-code (IaC) service that allows us to build environments by writing lines of code. CloudFormation provides us resources in a safe, repeatable manner. This enables us to frequently build our infrasturcture and applications without manual actions.