
Monitoring involves observing systems, collecting metrics over time, and then using them to make decisions or take actions. With the elastic nature of AWS services, we want to keep a close pulse of AWS resources to ensure that systems are running as expected.

Amazon CloudWatch

CloudWatch enables us to monitor and manage various metrics and configure alarm actions based on data from those metrics.

AWS services send metrics to CloudWatch, CloudWatch then uses these metrics to create graphs automatically that show how performance has changed over time.

CloudWatch Alarms

With CloudWatch, we can create alarms that automatically perform actions if the value of a metric has gone above or below a predefined threshold.

For example, we can create an alarm that automatically stops an EC2 instance when the CPU utilisation percentage has remained below a certain threshold for a certain period.

CloudWatch Dashboard

The CloudWatch dashboard enables us to access all the metrics for our resources from a single location.

AWS CloudTrail

CloudTrail records API calls for our account. This includes information such as:

  • Identity of API caller.
  • Time of API call.
  • Source IP address of API caller.
  • Etc.

This gives us a complete history of user activity and API calls for applications and resources.

CloudTrail Insights

CloudTrail Insights is an optional feature that allows CloudTrail to automatically detect unusual API activities in our AWS account.

AWS Trusted Advisor

Trusted Advisor inspects our AWS environment and provides real-time recommendations in accordance with AWS best practices. These best practices are split into 5 categories:

  • Cost optimisation.
  • Performance.
  • Security.
  • Fault tolerance.
  • Service limits.

For each of these categories, Trued Advisor offers a list of recommended actions and resources to learn more about AWs best practices.

Trusted Advisor Dashboard

From the Trusted Advisor dashboard, we can review completed checks for the 5 categories. For each category:

  • Green check indicates the number of items for which it detected no problems.
  • Orange triangle represents the number of recommended investigations.
  • Red circle reprsents the number of recommended actions.