Connectivity to AWS

Virtual Private Cloud

Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) enables us to provision a logically isolated section of the AWS cloud. In this isolated section, we can launch resources in a virtual network we define.

Internet Gateway

We use an internet gateway to allow public traffic from the internet to access our VPC.

Virtual Private Gateway

We use a virtual private gateway to establish a VPN connection between our VPC and a private network, such as an internal corporate network.

Direct Connect

Direct Connect is a service that enables us to establish a dedicated private connection between our data center and a VPC.

Subnets and Network Acess Control Lists


A subnet is a section of a VPC in which we can group resources based on security or operation needs. Subnets can be public or private:

  • Public subnet: contains resources that need be accessible by the public, such as an online store’s website.
  • Private subnet: contains resources that should be accessible only through our private network such as a database that contains customer’s personal information and order histories.

In a VPC, subnets can communicate with each other.

Network Traffic in a VPC

Network Access Control List (ACLs)

A network access control list (ACL) is a virtual firewall that controls inbound and outbound traffic at the subnet level. - Analogy: ACL is like a passport control officer between countries.

Network ACLs perform stateless packet filtering. They remember nothing and check packets that cross the subnet border each way: inbound and outbound.

Security Groups

A security group is a virtual firewall that controls inbound and outbound traffic for an EC2 instance. - Analogy: a security group is like the lobby attendant in an apartment building.

Security groups perform stateful packet filtering. They remember previous decisions made for incoming packets. When a packet is sent from an EC2 instance to the internet, the security group remembers the request and allows the response packet to proceed, regardless of inbound security group rules.

Global Networking

Domain Name Service

Domain Name System (DNS) resolution is the process of translating a domain name to an IP address. Suppose we want to visit AnyCompany’s website:

  • When we enter the domain name into the browser, this request is sent to a customer (ISP) DNS resolver.
  • The customer DNS resolver asks the company DNS server for the IP address that corresponds to AnyCompany’s website.
  • The company DNS server responds by providing the IP address for AnyCompany’s website.

Route 53

Route 53 is Amazon’s DNS web service. It gives developers and businesses a reliable way to route end users to internet applications hosted in AWS.

Flow of User Request

Suppose that AnyCompny’s application is running on serveral EC2 instances in an Auto Scaling group that attaches to an Application Load Balancer. The flow of a customer request is:

  • A customer requests data from the application by going to AnyCompany’s website.
  • Route 53 uses DNS resolution to identify AnyCompany’s corresponding IP address. This is sent back to the customer.
  • The customer’s request is sent to the nearest edge location through Amazon CloudFront.
  • Amazon CloudFront connects to the Application Load Balancer, which sends the incoming packet to an EC2 instance.