
Operational Excellence is the ability to run and monitor systems to deliver business value and to continually improve supporting processes and procedures.

Design Principles

The following are the design principles for operational excellence in the cloud:

  • Perform operations as code: Automate procedures to limit human error and create consistent responses to events.
  • Make frequent, small, reversible changes: Design workloads to allow components to be updated regurlarly to increase the flow of beneficial changes to the workload.
  • Refine operations procedures frequently: Evolve procedures as the workload evolves.
  • Anticipate failure: Set up regular game days to test workload and team responses to simulated events.
  • Learn from all operational failures: Drive improvement through lessons learned from all operationals events and failures.

Practice Areas


To create operational excellence, we must understand:

  • Organisation priorities: teams have a shared understand the entire workload, their role in it, and shared business goals to set priorities for business success.
  • Operating model: teams understand their part in achieving business success. A well-defined set of responsibilities will reduce the frequency of conflicting and redundant efforts.
  • Organisational culture: support is provided to team members so that they can be effective in taking action and support business outcomes.


To prepare for operational excellence, we must perform:

  • Design telemetry: workloads provide the information necessary to understand its internal state.
    • Best practices: metrics, logs, events, and traces.
  • Design for operations: adopt approaches that improve the flow of changes into production and that help refactoring, fast feedback on quality, and bug fixing.
    • Best practices: version control, build and deployment management systems, multiple environments.
  • Mitigate deployment risks: adopt approaches that provide fast feedback on quality and provide rapid recovery from changes that do not have desired outcomes.
    • Best practices: automate testing and rollback.
  • Operational readiness and change management: evaluate the operational readiness of the workload, processes, procedures, and personnel to understand the operational risks related to the workload.
    • Best practices: runbooks to perform procedures, playbooks to investigate issues.


To be successful, we must be able to:

  • Understand workload health: define, capture, and analyse workload metrics to gain visibility to workload events so that we can take appropriate action.
    • Best practices: identify KPIs, define workload metrics, collect and analyse workload metrics.
  • Understand operational health: define, capture, and analyse operations metrics to gain visibility to workload events so that we can take appropriate action.
    • Best pratices: identify KPIs, define operations metrics, collect and analyse operations metrics.
  • Respond to events: anticipate operation events, both planned and unplanned.
    • Best practices: use a process for event, incident, and problem management.


To evolve our operatinos over time, we must be able to:

  • Learn, share, and improve: regularly provide time for analysis of operations activities, analysis of failures, experimentations, and making improvements.
    • Best practices: have a process for continuous improvement, perform PIRs, implement feedback loops.