
Well-Architected Review provides AWS customers and partners with a consistent approach to reviewing their workloads against current AWS best practices, and gives advice on how to architect workloads for the cloud.

It involves a set of questions across the five WAF pillars.

Intent of the Review

The review is not an audit. It is a way to work together to improve architctures using best practices. It should be done continually over the product’s lifecycle, especially as significant architectural changes are made.

Benefits of WAF

Benefits of using the AWS WAF include:

  • Build and deploy faster.
  • Lower or mitigate risks.
  • Make informed decisions.
  • Learn best practices.

Applying WAF

AWS has created resources to make it easier to get started:

  • A framework white paper that gives an overview of the AWS perspective on architecture in the cloud.
  • A series of pillar-specific white papers that provide specific, prescriptive tips in each area.
  • Free online training.

All of this content is updated multiple times a year.

Own Well-Archicted Review

We can review our own workload by using the Well-Archicted Tool in the AWS Console.

Partner Well-Architected Review

Most APN Partners have a offering to review our workload for free. This will provide us with results and a statement of work to address top issues.